That was when Tapinza realized that he wasn't exactly ecstatic about the notion of being totally candid.
"Follow-up questioning sometimes indicates that not everybody is totally candid with Uncle Sam," she said.
Q. Are you being totally candid with this committee?
She's totally candid, to the dismay of many people.
I left unfinished, even unstarted, to be totally candid, " she said, "the task which brought me to Optheria.
"I've been totally candid about my life, but now I'm involving two other people, a person who is not in the business and a baby," she said.
"I'm sitting here trying to figure out what happened," Blowers said, seemingly shell-shocked but totally candid about his horrendous experience.
"No, I don't think Varig was totally candid with me," he said, "but I wouldn't expect them to be."
His style is simple: he's totally candid.
Mr. Feingold said: "To be totally candid, I didn't originally get involved in this issue because of the impact on the Federal budget.