His totalitarian tendencies put the senatorial aristocracy against him.
"It is the first, early signal of the totalitarian tendencies of Arafat."
In reality, the Rockefeller Commission proposals would reflect the transition of the structures of the 1970s toward the growing totalitarian tendencies of the 1980s.
An enemy of totalitarianism, he saw what he thought were totalitarian tendencies in the British government.
This differentiation is by no means easy, for his vision is deeply pessimistic about the totalitarian tendencies of democratic politics, at least in their French version.
The Terror, and the despotic and totalitarian tendencies available in democratic ideology, were there.
Championing the cause of religious freedom and freedom of speech, Maier was a strong voice against such "totalitarian tendencies."
This illustrates very well the totalitarian tendency which is explicit in the anarchist or pacifist vision of Society.
Enlargement will be a success if it puts an end to such totalitarian tendencies and shows that European cooperation is something other than Franco-German power politics.
But it was the idea of instantaneous action by the people that he loved, not the Spanish Communists, with their rigid principles and ugly totalitarian tendencies.