The targets of their liquidation were different; but the totalitarian structure, police state, and militaristic expansionism in both systems were uncannily alike.
Critic Robert Christgau said of the record: "Beefheart's famous five-octave range and covert totalitarian structures have taken on a playful undertone, repulsive and engrossing and slapstick funny."
He was one of the initiators of the founding of the Hannah Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism in Dresden, to explore totalitarian structures and their impact on individuals and society.
The Polish labor leader borrowed current Soviet terminology in describing Solidarity's goals as "to carry out de-Stalinization, to denounce totalitarian structures, to cure the hangover of the stagnation period."
Robert Christgau gave the album an A-, commenting that "Beefheart's famous five-octave range and covert totalitarian structures have taken on a playful undertone, repulsive and engrossing and slapstick funny".
Her view of the American scientific community and the National Institutes of Health is that they are "totalitarian" structures.
A Ruthless Bureaucrat With paradoxical timing, he died a passive, blind pensioner on Thursday, just as President Mikhail S. Gorbachev offered his latest initiative to lead the party from the totalitarian structure that Kaganovich had helped shape.
Not only is it doomed in any country which retains a totalitarian structure; but any writer who adopts the totalitarian outlook, who finds excuses for persecution and the falsification of reality, thereby destroys himself as a writer.
At the same time, under the guise of socialist rhetoric, the ruling élites ruthlessly manipulated nationalisms from above and perpetuated many of the totalitarian structures of fascism.
This is especially true for the three Baltic states which, compared with all of the other candidates, were forced to a far greater degree into the totalitarian structures of the former Soviet Union.