Is "New School Order," with its connotation of totalitarian movements past, just a scare phrase or a realistic glimpse of things to come?
Lockstep thinking, on the other hand, and its by-product, intolerance, are what we associate with totalitarian movements.
"A totalitarian movement, beyond question," the robot replied.
And that brings us to the popular totalitarian movement: another anomaly.
She considered the FIS to display "absolutely all the classic ingredients of totalitarian populist movements."
These reforms created a rudimentary social safety net, and did much to lessen the appeal of totalitarian and anti-democratic political movements during the crisis years.
The totalitarian movements were, in Berman's account, mass mobilizations for unattainable aims.
In Berman's interpretation, observers relying on modern liberal values have sometimes found it difficult to identify the anti-liberal and anti-rational quality of totalitarian movements.
Sir Isaiah Berlin, the great British historian-philosopher, showed us that certainty about everything has been the hallmark of totalitarian movements.
According to Robert Jaulin, the asymmetrical relation portrayed by these pairs is but the starting point of totalitarian movement, its static and temporary position.