Covered by an aluminium roof, the total structure weighs around 600 tonnes.
You cannot talk about the family, for example, without looking at our total economic structure.
Weakness in one member is the deathwatch beetle in the total structure.
Built on an infill site, the total structure might violate height limits.
So each one needs an individualistic treatment; at the same time, it should not stand out from the total cohesive structure of the film.
According to the sensors, the Sphinx had suddenly grown a dozen new chambers, some larger than the total structure.
Thus the symmetry of the total structure may well differ from the crystallographic substructure.
I don't know of how much is actually known about the surface of diamond since it's such a small fraction of the total structure.
The sign itself is 50' tall x 30' wide x 8' deep, and the total structure weighs more than 10 tons.
The total structure of this braincircuitry makes up our map of the world.