The latest storm today left the total snowfall for the week at nearly seven feet.
In sections of the coastal northeast, 75 inches of total snowfall occurred that year.
Bridgeport has more than doubled its average total snowfall of 20 inches this year, topping more than 41 inches last week.
The precipitation changed to rain on Cape Cod, reducing the total snowfall, but snow continued in the west.
Three big snowfalls accounted for a large amount of the total snowfall for the season.
In Boston, the weekend snowfall combined with those of December 14's storm surpass the total snowfall of 2006-07.
A powerful and unexpected series of snowstorms plow into the Ohio Valley dumping total snowfalls as high as 40-45 inches.
In fact, in 22 of 24 snowy winters since 1869 that he studied, the total snowfall amounted to at least 28.7 inches.
Other systems in 1954, 1955 and 2001 had higher total snowfalls for a single event making the 1971 even the fifth heaviest single-event snowfall.
About six more inches of snow had accumulated over night, bringing the total snowfall to nearly a foot.