The gods knew, a society that could undergo a total restructuring with only two executions as a result was better off than most.
This was one of the consequences of an enormous financial crisis in 2009, which forced the company to a total financial restructuring to avoid bankruptcy.
"The governance team recommends the total restructuring of the board," Newark officials wrote.
So it might appear that there are no easy answers, that nothing short of a total restructuring of the Japanese economy can turn it around.
The board is sad at the pain this will cause our work force, but only a total restructuring will achieve real results.
Halfway through the season the RFU proposed to have a total restructuring of the league system.
In effect a total institutional restructuring of Japanese society, economy and politics was imposed within the space of a few years.
Morozumi Mining was only one of many fledgling companies in need of total restructuring that came under his purview.
"We are considering a total restructuring of the department," he said.
Its existence is based on total restructuring and control of the environment.