But those totals didn't represent the end of the story.
The expected total represents a 39 percent increase from a year ago when international sales by the auction house reached $2.3 billion.
The total expected would represent about a 35 percent increase from a year ago, when the global sales of the London-based house reached $1.78 billion.
A total of twelve attorneys represented Texas and the various defendants in the case.
That total would represent a 7.2 percent increase over last year's budget.
A total of 1,033 delegates represented the party's 1,727 million card-carrying members.
The total of part area 1 and 3 represents the benefits by providing an alternative route.
The total of 1993 applications, 4.2 million, itself represented a 10 percent increase over 1992.
The total of 755 represents a 170 percent increase over the total at this time a year ago.
During his time in charge, a total of 32 players represented the club.