On May 2, 2013, Tough Mudder announced that it has reached one million total registrations since its launch in 2010.
The Republican voter registration still only represents about 35% of the total registration in the district.
The total registration is only slightly lower than the record 4 million for the 1984 Presidential election.
The total registration in the seven campus precincts is 12,122.
According to IOM documents the total registration amounted to 25,723 members.
In Ohio, nearly three-quarters of a million people registered to vote this year, bringing the state's total registration to over 7.8 million, a record.
Till date the total registration of new patients in the hospital for the last 4 years has gone up to more than 23,000.
In 1954 they made up 22% of the total registrations for that year.
I favor total registration and licensing of guns and government control of all gun sales outlets.
Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state by more than 200,000 out of a total registration of about 1.8 million voters.