In 1910 the net production of the state mines was 192,000 tonnes, and the total personnel numbered 1,479.
After suffering casualties of one-third their total personnel, these forces surrendered.
The total personnel of most divisions was over 40,000 men, which made them the equivalent of the army corps in other armies.
More crews arrived, bringing the total personnel from 200 to about 300 firefighters.
However, total personnel in other parts of the warehouse may be as many as 60-100.
Nor were the 300 there the total German personnel sent to work on the Soviet atomic bomb project.
The total personnel of the Libyan Navy is about 8,000.
The total personnel (including 41,000 civilian workers) numbers at the end of 2010 will be 200,000.
The full-time element of the regiment eventually expanded to encompass more than half the total personnel.
The doctors of Western medicine, who constitute about one-fourth of the total medical personnel, are even more concentrated in urban areas.