Just hours later, Glazer had bought a further 9.8% stake taking his total ownership to 71.8%.
The acquisition, expected to be valued at $300 million, would give Homestake total ownership of the company.
It would also pump an additional $492 million into the company for new shares, bringing its total ownership to 60 percent.
They have total ownership in the whole process.
According to this study, there's still 5 years to go before smartphones hit even 50% for total ownership...
Morton, which throughout the 1930s and 40s held a near monopoly on Utah's salt industry, assumed total ownership.
This deal brings the total ownership of Novartis to 77%.
This person takes total ownership for all aspects of their project and makes many unique contributions.
God alone has total and unconditional ownership of property.
In 1977 the government assumed total ownership and control.