The average selling price rose by 3pc to £181,000 and the company's total orders are up 8.1pc compared with the same point last year.
More orders received last summer brought the total order to 13,872, of which about 75 percent has been filled, she said.
The amount of total orders, $382.5 million, was up 88.6 percent from a year earlier.
Compared with September 1994, however, total orders fell 6 percent.
The company said total orders for the third quarter rose 27 percent, to $6 billion.
For this year, total orders have reached $2.4 billion, 86.5 percent higher than in the comparable period of 1987.
The total order for 24-36 aircraft will be decided on by the end of 2012.
Several sources state the total order was 43 aircraft, while one claims 73.
Over the last 12 months, total new orders are up 7.7 percent.
The total order could amount to $10 billion if all the options are used.