It has approximately 310 members and a total of 700 residents.
A total of 3,559 residents held jobs subject to social insurance.
A total of 86.19 million residents were registered to vote.
- Philadelphia lost a total of 140,000 jobs and 160,000 residents during the 1970s.
A total of 17 local residents went to court to stop the spraying.
With that addition, there were a total of 218,244 residents living in the metropolitan area at the 1980 census.
A total of 4 residents in one house, two women and two children, were killed.
The settlement had reached a grand total of 20 residents.
A total of 22 residents were unable to return home last night, but officials expected most to go back early next week.
In 1910 the village counted a total of 484 residents, the number rising to 637 by 1939.