Malaria is a huge concern for maternal health, contributing about 25 percent of the total maternal mortality alone.
In terms of total mortality, though figures vary, one scholar estimates 1.5 million deaths as a reasonable estimate.
Per the World Health Organization, outdoor air pollution accounts for about 1.4% of total mortality.
That would put such deaths ahead of tuberculosis, at 2.8 percent of total mortality globally.
"The benefit for total mortality is maximized at one or two drinks per day," they wrote.
In addition several large bands fled from contact and suffered almost total mortality in the forest.
The inverse of total mortality, i.e., overall survival, may be the reported value.
In addition to the incidence of coronary heart disease we also evaluated associations with total mortality.
The total mortality of the 1918-1919 pandemic is not known, but it is estimated that up to 1% of the world's population was killed.
The total mortality was 12,216 men, about 13.4 percent of total enlistments.