The ability for ruthless total mobilization of almost the entire population, for as long as the struggle required.
Despite the loss of the cities, the regional commander, General William Steffens, ordered a total mobilization.
And there developed such a howling of wind as to almost prevent the exchange of ideas about our plans for total mobilization.
Fleischer thus assumed all power in the region and ordered a total military and civilian mobilization.
Example: Intensive indoctrination and total mobilization of all civilian and military personnel in North Vietnam.
The fact is that none of this can possibly succeed without a total mobilization of the entire fleet for the logistical effort.
The document, which was sent to top military commanders, spoke of "total mobilization at home" to build the nation's wartime combat power.
Britain's total mobilization during this period proved to be successful in winning the war, by maintaining strong support from public opinion.
He conceived of a society based on a totalitarian concept of "total mobilization" of such disciplined warrior-workers.
"We did not have enough time to train the soldiers, but try to do so," he said, criticizing his own political leaders for failing to order a total mobilization.