Only about 20 percent of the total jobs available go through the federal job placement machinery, and those tend to pay lower wages.
These subunits are then assigned to the workers as their total job.
The area had 23,096 high-tech jobs with a ratio of 124 per 1,000 total jobs.
Then he divided the change in each size category by the total jobs created in the economy.
The total job will cost about $1,000, she says.
The price seemed high, so he bid out about half the total job to 22 other foundries all over the country.
Of the total new jobs, 20.7 million, or 92%, were in the private sector.
The total jobs lost has been about 585,000 through last month.
It noted seasonal hiring was particularly strong in December, representing 20 percent of the total jobs created.
In short," he finished, "if we want to stay concealed, we'll have to do a total job of it.