The total households in Elavumthitta is 7,988 and population is 32,399.
Level I water system is currently serving 7.17% of the total households.
Out of 420 total households, there were 354 families and 66 non-families.
In 2000, for example no single household arrangement constituted more than 30% of total households.
Village has total 2289 households with 5791 males and 5258 females.
According to 2011 census, more than one third (38.17%) of the total households do not have toilet in their houses.
The episode was watched in 13.105 million total households.
Of the island's relatively small population, married couples make up 56 percent of total households.
There were 39,104 total urban households in 2010, with an average household size of 3.6.
There were 40,494 total rural households in 2010, with an average household size of 4.2.