A determined young lady, trying to create an impression of total helplessness, might even manage to puke as required.
Not long ago, sudden arrhythmic death was greeted with almost total helplessness.
It was the chill of total helplessness; of total loss.
He hated the occasions when it happened, the feeling of total helplessness.
You saw her vulnerable when her mum left but this is a total helplessness, she just doesn't know what to do.
For the first time in his life, he knew total helplessness.
Mummification is often used to enhance a feeling of total bodily helplessness, and incorporated with sensation play.
Suddenly Bruce was overcome by a feeling of total helplessness.
With a moan of total helplessness, Ronni dropped her head in her hands.
Loving somebody who clearly does not regard you in the same way must leave one in a position of total helplessness.