North West North West match angling almost came to a total halt at the weekend with virtually all major matches called off.
Some scientists have proposed a total halt in the production of chlorofluorocarbons.
Seeing the little stack of info-disks, she came to a total halt.
But that would have brought conversation at Pedderick's to a total halt.
Louis came to a total halt, listening to that sound. . . that inexorable, approaching sound.
World War II brought the paddle sport to a total halt.
The open transmit links would also create an enormous power drain on the planetary system, enough to grind some segments of the planet to a total halt.
First, he apparently indicated that Israel might consider a slowdown in new housing starts but not a total halt to them.
That falls short of a moratorium, which would be a total halt to payments on foreign debt.
He sought a total halt, as did the Egyptian government.