The 1995 total crop numbered 3.2 million trees cut, Quebec provided 32.5 percent of the total trees harvested.
Four million boxes of citrus fruit, comprising 16 percent of the total crop, were blown from the trees across the state.
Planters were alarmed both by outside organizations and the thought of losing their total crops.
The projected total crop this year is 69.4 million acres, well below what analysts had earlier expected.
Collectivization would increase the total crop and food supply but the locals knew that they were not likely to benefit from it.
Approximately 20% of the total crop is dry-grown.
Being mountainous area, Only 9% of the total crop gets irrigation facility.
In some areas where infection begins soon after transplanting, the total crop can be lost as a result of this disease.
In 1852 the island's precious vines were blighted by mildew, wiping out an estimated 90 percent of the total crop.
The statistics service put the total national crop this year at 9.47 billion pounds, down 5 percent from last year.