Advertising Age reported that it could total $18 million by the end of 1995.
They range from $25 to $20,000 and are expected to total more than $300,000 by Primary Day.
The bill for all materials totaled nearly $714 million by 1984.
More than 750 companies pay the foundation licensing fees that total nearly $1.5 billion a year by some estimates.
British losses totalled 24,000 by the end of the campaign.
They totalled over 1,000 by the beginning of March 2002.
Including accrued interest this loan will total $700 million by the year's end.
Public funding and private investment totalled around £280 million by the early 1990s.
Altogether, orders would total perhaps 1,500 cars by the year 2000.
He said the company could not estimate how much the amount would total by the time the rate caps ended in August 2003.