By May 29, a total of 36 vessels had arrived.
A total of 1,460 students, all freshmen and double the number originally anticipated, arrived for this occasion.
A few months later, a total of six newborn babies arrive, Rose having had twins.
Within two years, a total of thirty settlers had arrived.
A total of 51 Princeton track team members, 28 men and 23 women, will arrive tomorrow in Beijing.
By the 1940s, a total of 13 passenger trains arrived and departed from the station daily.
A total of 11 players did not arrive at the Championship.
Between 1879 and 1916, a total of 60,000 Indians arrived in Fiji.
A total of 12 teams arrived at the competition and 9 teams participated with a formula car on the track.
By January 1897, a total of 25,462 officers and men had arrived from Spain.