They also toss talc and water onto each other no matter how well dressed they happen to be.
They sat facing the fountain, where two frolicking Cupids tossed water at one another.
He gestured in the air several times as if he were tossing holy water on me.
He was also penalized a point, after tossing water on the court.
Even here, high on the bridge, when the ship heeled over Willie found himself looking upward at tossing water.
"I am staying," said one disabled man as he climbed six flights to toss water on a fire and complain about "bad neighbors."
He tossed cold water on his face and brushed his teeth.
There was nothing but sulkily tossing water where the ship had been.
"And it's just like you to toss cold water in my face."
Behind him, the soldiers tossed water onto the campfire.