He nodded to a corner where a group of drunk Englishmen were tossing darts at a board and cursing each other.
A playwright shouldn't toss satiric darts at the tube if she can't tell her own story with more delicacy and grace.
You, too, are most likely to do well here, even if choosing can feel like tossing darts at a list mounted on a wall (it's even hard to choose among metaphors).
Morley was behind his desk, his feet up, leaning back, tossing darts.
Managers who performed well, compared with Wal-Mart, were invited to toss darts as part of their reward.
Two years later, he created his first game show, "Pop the Question," in which contestants tossed darts at balloons to select questions.
John Elway fires missiles; Bobby Hebert tosses darts.
Dave was my own particular little target, and I wasn't going to have anyone else tossing darts at him.
Two porcupines were tossing darts with their quills, while a third was picking its teeth.
I tossed darts at the corkboard on the back of my door.