This has got to be some of the most tortured logic I've ever seen.
By this tortured logic, the need to maintain a credible threat of war would mean that the time will never come for Congress to vote.
Everyone in the room except Irene frowned, trying to follow the tortured logic.
Assertions that female abusers are really victims can be based on rather tortured logic.
I'm not going to go through the kind of tortured logic that will let me say that writing about politics is a political act.
All of their venerable traditions and tortured logic had produced a world that was helpless.
And despite the professors' tortured logic, there is little evidence to suggest the parties would not continue their decline under a new system.
Is that the tortured logic you're asking me to accept, Kressn?
But their concerns cannot easily be dismissed as the tortured logic of vested interests.
A lot of tortured logic was used to justify this practice, but the real reason for it was pure necessity.