Despite the guns aimed at his person, and the torrid heat, he was sweating significantly less than Williams.
The paving steamed; the stench increased with the torrid heat.
I thanked him and went out into the torrid heat of Battery Road.
He could see the funny side of things even after six days of torrid heat.
Do you not feel the terrible, torrid heat?
In the torrid heat of the afternoon the village seemed deserted so I hammered on an iron gate.
Ship's life support provided relief from the torrid heat outside.
He went back to the hotel, slept naked on account of the torrid heat, and caught the train south just as dawn was breaking.
The men in blue, ignoring the torrid heat, then proceeded to give Germany a genuine scare.
The pair came to blows outside the pits gate after a torrid heat five before being separated by mechanics and officials.