Power is transferred to the transaxle via a torque tube.
The design problem that the torque tube solves is how to get the traction forces generated by the wheels to the car frame.
This allowed the torque tube to move rearward during his flight and loosened the elevator control cable tension.
The flaps and ailerons are actuated by torque tubes, rather than cables.
Connection to the third member rear-end was via an enclosed "torque tube" driveshaft.
The torque tube is designed to break if 50 pounds of force or more is exerted in opposite directions.
Manual gearbox changed during model year requiring shorter torque tube.
Car body and torque tube changed to accommodate longer gearbox.
Stronger torque tube with 3 mm thicker center shaft for automatic transmission.
A torque tube connected the engine and transmission, rather than allowing them to float free on the body as before.