The wall juddered and vibrated as the stress structure tried to absorb the extraordinary torque forces leaking through the bearings.
These clasps are unique because they have to take into account extra torque force due to being tissue borne (and not tooth borne) at the posterior.
For a moment there I thought-" Then the propeller came apart and the plane shuddered, unbalanced torque forces on the engine shaking us like we were in a blender.
An object with some "windmill" asymmetry can therefore be subjected to minuscule torque forces that will tend to spin it up or down as well as make its axis of rotation precess.
This uses the torque force to do useful work, reduces speed and wear on the bearings, and furnishes more power for greater work output.
The torque force exerted because of the offset centre of mass, particularly on a wooden club, is considerable and has important effects on the amount of loft which is achieved.
Snowboard binding rotating devices are designed to minimize the torque force, Quick Stance being the first developed in 1995.
It incorporated torque vanes in the jet nozzle to counteract the torque forces imparted by the round engaging the rifling and any clogged or eroded nozzles.
The torque force against the spring reaches an equilibrium and the angle that the gimbal and gyro become positioned is directly connected to the display needle, thereby indicating the rate of turn.
Snowboard binding rotating devices are designed to minimize the torque force that occurs when a snowboarder has one foot out of the binding and one locked on the board.