The result is irreversible topsoil erosion, deforestation, water pollution, and the release of billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A major environmental concern known as topsoil erosion occurs when the topsoil layer is blown or washed away.
Nitrogen deficiency is usually associated with conditions of water-logging, heavy weed infestation and topsoil erosion.
Cattle's contribution to topsoil erosion is also being studied by the E.P.A. And while alternatives are investigated, predictable assertions are hurled between the pro-cow and anti-cow factions.
"Cattle are responsible for 85 percent of topsoil erosion," said Mr. Robbins.
The environment is also suffering, with topsoil erosion and flooding becoming prevalent.
This helps to keep basements and crawl spaces dry, prevent topsoil erosion and shield windows and doors from water penetration.
The Ehrlichs find evidence for concern in such examples of environmental degradation and resource exhaustion as global warming, acid rain, topsoil erosion, ground water depletion, destruction of the ozone layer, desertification and deforestation.
Shade trees and intercropping with yucca further prevented topsoil erosion.
Development aid would focus on reducing deforestation, topsoil erosion and overgrazing and improving water conservation.