Swinging his feet out, he connected with the older man's knees, sending him toppling backwards.
She tried to blink the red mist from her eyes, failed, and toppled backwards out of the image field.
He raised his head and screamed, then toppled backwards like a felled tree.
The crest of his earth wave, with him on it, seemed to topple backwards for a moment.
Off balance, he toppled backwards and crashed to the floor, his feet still immovable.
The Grimskull toppled backwards, unconscious before he hit the ground.
But when, getting out, he went to stand on the running board he almost toppled backwards into the snow.
He collapsed as if a bridge had fallen on him and slowly toppled backwards out of sight.
The apprentice squinted, his eyes rolling, before he toppled backwards.
He toppled backwards off the cliff into thin air.