Between 1976 and 1983 he managed several top-secret programs involving such military gear as spy satellites.
He was one of the original officers recruited for the top-secret program now known as the Stargate Project.
Few details have been released about the top-secret program, but the craft is expected to include radar-evading "stealth" features.
It was a top-secret program called Project Sign.
Doctors report he suffered a nervous breakdown due to prolonged work-related stress while assigned to a top-secret military program.
After his stint of six months in the Canadian air training school he was reassigned to a top-secret program.
A top-secret program is tasked to replicate the original Weapon X experiment that bonded adamantium to the skeleton of Wolverine.
The cost of the top-secret program was staggering.
Sentenced to die, she gets a reprieve from a mysterious government agency, which decides to recruit her for its top-secret punk-recycling program.
When the War Department embarked on a top-secret program to develop Eniac, the Army put him in charge of its part of the project.