They're offering top-quality wines and changing the choices people make.
The number of new French wineries producing top-quality wines in what were once enological backwaters is remarkable.
At present, the Water Tower houses a wine shop which specializes in top-quality Slovenian wines.
Over the years, various efforts have been made to produce top-quality sparkling wine in this country.
This included top-quality wines as well as the use of Wedgwood china and fine-quality glassware in first class.
Then, too, there is never that much Barolo around compared with, say, top-quality Tuscan wines.
The vineyards of the Bizeljsko and Pišece districts are renowned for their top-quality wines.
With an eye on making top-quality wine, they are now competing with their own customers, all to the benefit of the wine drinker.
It may follow the 75 percent rule in some years and not in others, but it is always a top-quality wine.
Most of the neighbors thought the idea of making sparkling wine, really top-quality sparkling wine, was insane.