The city's 200 top-performing schools will not have to use the new curriculums, since it is assumed that they can flourish without direction from the top.
The school is consistently ranked among Kenya's top-performing schools in each year's national examination results.
These are islands within the city school system that have dozens of top-performing schools, where nearly every child reads above grade level.
In the top-performing schools, parents are welcome, principals speak to teachers with ease and students seem eager to go to class, he said.
P.S. 87 is a top-performing school that will be exempt from the city's uniform curriculum next year.
Yet a small but growing number of such parents are abandoning even some of the top-performing public schools in the region.
They've done the London thing, married, started a family, but are now heading back to safe, middle class territory with top-performing schools.
What is more, the two communities are often mentioned in the same breath when the subject of Westchester's top-performing schools comes up.
The next 504 top-performing high schools nationwide based on their college readiness index earned silver medals.
St. Bede's is frequently cited as the top-performing school in County.