But even in a less than top-notch performance, Ms. Grafton's work surpasses most of what limps along as detective fiction these days.
Variety said, "The terrific writing, which top-notch performances make more magnificent, displays a wide range of human emotions, without recourse to cheap sensationalism or dialog.
Besides languages and colonial heritage, the states of the Southern Cone share some common cultural traits such as high football popularity, with top-notch performance in the sport.
On three successive evenings last November, my wife and I attended top-notch performances of both Finnish and foreign music.
He is widely recognized for his innovative approach to programming, dynamic vision, and ability to elicit top-notch performances from his players.
So is top-notch performance.
The 45.7BHP of peak power produced by the engine is also successful on road by delivering top-notch performance.
I turned in after that; a top-notch performance leaves me fagged.
But right now, only a top-notch performance is enough to beat the Spurs.
He would lead Oklahoma on a rebound with a few top-notch performances before suffering the second and final setback of the season against Texas A&M.