It opened as the top-grossing movie in its first weekend, earning $21.4 million at the box office.
This summer, another celluloid Philadelphia underdog became the country's top-grossing movie for a time.
Two-thirds of the 50 top-grossing movies were released during the summer movie season.
Of the 25 top-grossing movies released so far this year, almost a quarter are horror films.
One need only look at the best-seller lists, top-grossing movies and current productions on Broadway.
However, it was the top-grossing movie during May 2011 (with $166.8 million by May 31).
Eight of the 10 top-grossing movies fall into that category, he said.
"The studio got the top-grossing movie in 1986, and the Navy got to show off its military prowess."
"Platoon," a movie that no studio wanted to make, is the top-grossing movie in the country this month.
Its three-week total stands at nearly $230 million, making it already one of the top-grossing movies of the year.