The traditional planning process focused on top-down processes where the urban planner created the plans.
Town planning focused on top-down processes by which the urban planner created the plans.
Perception can be shaped by "top-down" processes such as drives and expectations.
To develop and evolve systems that effectively support business functions, a top-down process must be followed.
In last but not least, traditional top-down decision-making processes have become inadequate, due to their inability to create appropriate solutions for local communities.
It is an example of how perception can be shaped by "top-down" processes such as drives and expectations.
Many of those decisions were made through a top-down process without consulting the people who are most affected by those decisions.
In the accession countries it is a Commission-led top-down process.
We therefore require a bottom-up process to complement the present top-down process at European level.
For example, assembly is considered a top-down process that begins with general strategy and goes to more specific ideas about communicating the specific message.