What is the most effective balance between top-down management out of Washington-based agencies and local preferences and desires?
They're right when they say that educational bureaucracy and top-down management contribute to the present mess.
Humanitas also gives teachers more freedom from top-down management.
At the very least, the Ashcroft plan would subject federal prosecutors to an unusual, and undesirable, degree of top-down management.
Instead of top-down management, many of the innovations are started at the grassroots level.
Centralised systems of education are organised on a system of 'top-down management'.
Other strategies exist that rely on making simple distinctions rather than building top-down management "systems" using performance audits and full cost accounting.
That means shifting from top-down management to school-based decision making, giving teachers more say in the design of programs and strengthening families.
Such counting represents an extreme of top-down management that left nothing to the judgment of individual peasants.
He does not believe in authoritative, top-down management.