And it's still sticking around as a top trend.
Houghton Mifflin's "Best American Recipes 2003-2004" lists 10 top trends, all astoundingly untrendy.
Check out some of the top trends in outerwear - in or out of Tinseltown - on this episode of "The Thread."
The growth in importance is indicated by the ReadWrite Web article which described the development as a "top trend for 2011"
Several common articles include Design Directions, Business Updates, and Exclusive Sketchbooks, based on the top trends during home furnishings and gift trade shows.
Here's a look at some of the top trends.
The organization is a respected and innovative thought leader on top trends and challenges facing the healthcare finance industry.
Easily the most entertaining of all the editors giving evidence, Hislop was the top trend on Twitter for most of the period while he was speaking.
Ebony Fashion Fair's traveling fashion show in 2000 presented camikinis as one of the top trends that year.
The Christian Science Monitor reported that Festivus was a top trend on Twitter.