Vietnamese people are also the top tourist in Cambodia, with 130,831, up 19 percent as of 2011.
The observation deck atop the TV tower is one of Shanghai's top tourist draws.
Known as Under's top tourist attraction.
For years, New Jersey held an East Coast monopoly on legalized casino gambling that helped make Atlantic City one of the top tourist draws in the nation.
Genoa's renowned aquarium, (39-010) 23451,, one of Italy's top tourist draws, is host to the exhibition "Sea at 360degrees," during March, focusing on underwater marine ecosystems.
Patrick Hemingway, for example, has attacked the privately owned museum in the author's former house that is now one of Key West's top tourist draws, with more than 200,000 visitors a year.
Turkey remains one of the top tourist and investment destinations for British nationals.
The setting is one of the city's top tourist draws, an original farmers' and fish vendors' market that has gone largely unchanged over most of this century.
Thanks in large part to these shopping and entertainment destinations, Sunrise has become one of Florida's top tourist draws.
During the top tourist season about 2,500 vehicles pass daily.