It is the same top rate we have had since 1983.
In 2006, the top tax rate would then return to its current level, 3.648 percent.
A top tax rate of 35 percent is provided for the years 2011 and 2012.
Now they, too, have a top rate of 15 percent.
At 39.6 percent, the top rate back then, that would be $59 million, before interest.
The top rate for both taxes is now 48 percent.
This isn't like in the early 50s, when the top tax rate was over 90%.
This isn't even like the early 80s, when the top tax rate was about 70%.
In recent years, the top corporate rate was 46 percent.
Under the old system, the top rate of 60 percent applied to people making more than $72,600.