I have to give 125 percent to beat a guy like Vanderaerden, who is one of the top sprinters in the world.
This meet offered a look at the road ahead for three of the top sprinters in the world.
Exotic Wood, a 5-year-old, was one of the top sprinters in the nation last year.
He was ranked the world's top sprinter for three seasons.
And next spring, he was going to chase down school records as a top sprinter on the track team.
I wanted to be number one in Europe, the world's top sprinter.
He was one of the top sprinters in the peloton.
One day, there was the top sprinter on the track team and we raced.
He also played one season of junior college basketball and was a top sprinter in track.
But most top sprinters cannot maintain consistency beyond their early 30's.