Dajto showcases top foreign series, shows and movies targeted at young male viewers.
But ever since those two joined Nascar's top series in 2000, Kenseth has quietly been more successful.
Vickers went on to his first career victory in Nascar's top series.
The group's top series was renamed for Winston cigarettes.
According to Nascar, only 3 of 108 drivers from New Jersey have won a race in its top series.
Played on the National team, and Nordstrand (in the top series) .
Kyle Busch will have a lot to prove in his first season in the top series.
Yet, the network can justifiably feel nervous about dealing with the creators of top series.
But Martin has never won a driver's championship in Nascar's top series.
However, while showing good speed, particularly in qualifying, he struggled to adapt to the top series.