Most of the top sailors start here, so be careful who you position yourself next to since if they are fast they will soon take your wind.
Nowadays, though, top sailors use the harnesses to rest their weary arms on long races.
Then I heard about this race where all the top French sailors got their training.
These hats are prized amongst top sailors.
The 1D48 appears to be catching on among top sailors since its debut in December 1995.
Yorika Scott, a 40-year-old division leader, said some of the most frightened recruits could ultimately become top sailors.
For this reason, top sailors use winter racing to keep their sailing skills sharp.
Both have considerable experience and are among the 10 top multi-hull sailors in the world.
"We're talking about the top sailors here."
Mike Plant, a top American competitive sailor, was lost at sea on his way to a round-the-world yacht race out of France.