People there said closed since about 6 years - and still as top recommendation in the latest LP!
His top recommendations are down 79 percent, on average, from the beginning of last year, with several trading for less than $1.
Such a tax is thought likely to be a top recommendation from Democrats if they are asked by the Administration to propose one.
It's also not clear that Mr. Bush can carry out the panel's top recommendations on his own.
Here are some top recommendations from several experts.
French Travel Service (0844 848 8843; is my top recommendation for an independent holiday by train.
One top recommendation, the automatic extension of Medicaid coverage to age 21, has just been put into effect.
The report's top recommendation was to make reliability rules mandatory and enforceable - a change requiring federal legislation.
Let's look at some of the top recommendations for feeding a cold.
I'd love see a column where you pick your top recommendations from all your columns so far.