Cleveland is among the top recipients of investment for biotech start-ups and research.
Even some top recipients of contributions over the last seven years have joined a chorus of industry critics.
It is also among the top recipients of research funding in nursing from the National Institutes of Health.
And many of his opponents in Congress, including Burr, represent tobacco states or, like Coats, are top recipients of tobacco industry largess.
The top individual recipients of gambling dollars were mostly politicians from Nevada and New Jersey, the states with the largest casino revenues.
Residents of Chester Upland School District have been the top recipients each year, since the program began.
Since the 1970s, Israel has been one of the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid.
But the former employee said the telecom executives had routinely been among the top recipients of the stock in each Salomon offering.
Lang received about $92,000 from gambling interests between the start of 2010 through July, 2011, making him one of the top recipients.
All of the top recipients of its campaign contributions over the last five years voted against the restrictions, says a study by the Center for Responsive Politics.