Jiroux's high accolades in dance awarded her many opportunities and during her high school years she traveled the country as an assistant to some of the top choreographers in the field.
Its faculty was composed of top working choreographers and dancers.
"It's not that simple to get up there and look good," says Brendan Filuk, president of Bloc, a talent agency that represents the Talauegas and other top commercial choreographers.
Every week they have to prepare a choreography assigned by the program with the artistic help of two top choreographers, Nick Florez and Maria Torres.
Dr. Anthony Shay has been awarded a James Irvine Fellowship in Dance for 1998 as one of the eight top choreographers in California with a $30,000 fellowship for research in Iranian art.
When the top choreographer of the time, Saroj Khan, walked out of the film Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar, Farah got her break, and this was her first film to choreograph.
Today, opera directors increasingly seek out top choreographers; Mark Morris, Trisha Brown and Robert La Fosse, among others, have distinguished themselves in the field.
Angelos employs a top choreographer to teach him how to be a professional dancer.
Ludmilla Tcherina, a raven-haired French artist and ballet star who danced for many of Europe's top choreographers, died on Sunday at her home in Paris at the age of 79, France's culture ministry said today.
Variety within formula is the Ice Capades tradition and in recent years, the revue has acquired one of ice skating's top choreographers, Sarah Kawahara.