Only 2,518 are known to have been built; Mr. Washington knows this because he has become perhaps the top authority on the cars.
And the Admiral was a top authority in chemical warfare.
Another reason was that our top authorities apparently were not yet facing the fact that they, too, would have to make sacrifices.
No, said Mario, he merely would be the top ranking authority on the job, subject only to the wishes of the builder.
He split from us and he's trying to reach top authority to tell them all about you and the ship being here.
"We need the absolute top authority on cellology in Voltar."
I have to make sure he's the top authority first.
A senior Guard officer said earlier this month that the decision has been made by Iran's top authorities.
There is a sense that Mexico's top civilian authorities have lost control of the country's criminals, who now see lucrative opportunities on all sides.
Herschmann was one of Europe's top authorities in sports.