The backs of their throats contain a set of teeth resembling molars.
Files for use on soft metals like aluminum, copper and brass, as well as on plastic, have semicircular rows of teeth resembling sections of overlapping disks.
Although they had nothing to ponder but this skull, scientists could see that Pakicetus had teeth resembling those of mesonychids, but it was well adapted to feeding on fish in surface waters of shallow seas.
These chaetae have two parallel teeth resembling claws which is a feature that distinguishes members of this family from other polychaetes.
Liopleurodon and its relatives, on the other hand, had teeth resembling those of killer whales and probably ate larger, bonier prey.
He also has prominent upper teeth, resembling fangs.
The offspring were 5 hybrid piglets with teeth most resembling the North Sulawesi Babirusa, while their colour was highly variable.
The leaves are up to 1.5 centimeters long by 1.5 wide and have large, widely spaced teeth, resembling holly leaves.
It also possesses unusually large canine teeth, resembling those of the big cats, although these appear to be the result of parallel evolution.
The poorly preserved and worn premolar is a bladelike tooth, resembling multituberculate fourth lower premolars (p4).