I had three teeth filled if you want to know.
I just assumed he was there to get a tooth filled or something, but Andy must have broken in and switched the records then.
On his table is a set of false teeth next to an oversize martini glass filled with chocolate kisses.
'Does it take all day to get a tooth filled?'
"I didn't like having so many doctors before," said Ms. Hidalgo, who had arrived at the center to have a tooth filled.
The thin lips pulled back into a smile that revealed some teeth missing and one tooth filled with silver.
The dental pulp is the central part of the tooth filled with soft connective tissue.
You can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist.
This is severe and can cause emotional stress because it may be costly to get the teeth filled in at the dentist.
I bet he would have gotten a hollow tooth filled with cyanide, if it was legal to sell them.