In the modern age of electronic trading, every person who wants to become a trader needs appropriate tools to collect market data, analyse that data and place orders.
Google Dashboard, a tool to view and manage personal data collected by Google Inc.
Pre-analyzed, or not-yet-analyzed data: some tools collect 'external' data, while others collect 'internal' data.
Some tools collect data as a fore-runner to an automatic repair process (self-healing/fault tolerant).
Essentially, these tools collect a variety of input variables from an individual and use them to project the likelihood that the individual will meet specified retirement goals.
This tool collects information about both near miss medical errors and the barriers that kept these errors from reaching patients.
This is accomplished by using the proper tools and paper work to collect and record all available evidence.
Improve tools and technologies to better identify, collect, preserve and analyze biological samples to show the presence of drugs and other substances in a person.
We use a tool called "Google Analytics" to collect information about use of this site.
Unlike the tools collecting cobwebs in the corner of your garage, these high-tech tools are what's needed to push the bounds of human innovation and create amazing new potential products.